
Thursday 22 November 2012


OBIEE 11G / 12C Multimedia Video

OBIEE 12c /11g Video (Multimedia content)

 Linux x64

1. Make sure analyticsRes folder is active in weblogic for customizations

Check out the section Exposing a Static Directory in WebLogic Server

I normally use this location for customization


(Remember i will make this deployment accessible from the following location setting is ticked) when deploying analyticsRes folder in weblogic.

2. Upload your wmv file to the linux box

On Dashboard
3. Insert a text box and paste code below dont forget to change the name of the wmv file in the code below.

OBIEE 11 and IE / Google Chrome / Firefox.

<embed src="/analyticsRes/myvideo.wmv" width="650" height="430" CONTROLLER="true"  AUTOPLAY="true"  loop="true"></embed>

OBIEE 12 and Google Chrome / Mozilla

<video src="/analyticsRes/myvideo.wmv" width="1200" height="700" controls poster="/images/w3html5.gif" autoplay></video>

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Shahed Munir

Krishna Udathu

Shahed and Krishna are Oracle / Big Data Experts