OBIEE 12c Client Administration Tool Importing OCI Connectivity (Tables etc)
Connecting to the Admin tool Online : Find the Port
netstat -plnt
Find the nqsserver ports --- 9514 was the candidate for OBIEE RPD Connectivty online
tcp 0 0 :::9514 :::* LISTEN 24868/nqsserver
tcp 0 0 :::9515 :::* LISTEN 24868/nqsserver
Anyway Moving on TNS Setup.......
12c is using a local TNS in Online Mode and Offline Mode and not using the TNS_ADMIN on a windows machine.
However you can view the data in the tables within the RPD( Weird huh) as it using the network tnsnames.ora
Anyway goto the OBIEE Administration tool installation location and paste a tnsnames.ora file.
Steps: goto the OBIEE Administration tool installation location
[OBIEE Installation Directory]\Oracle_Home\network
Create a Directory called admin
Then within that paste a valid tnsnames.ora file.
Restart the BI Administration tool and everything works as it should ie creating tables from DB.
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